Metal Ganesh Ji face Encircled With Suraj Ji - 30 cm (Brass, Copper)-349/-
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₹349 ₹999 (65% OFF )
Note: an Attractive Look,this showpiece can be wall mounted
W x H x D: 20 cm x 30 cm x 0.5 cm
Type: Religious Idols
Wall Mount
Weight: 150 g
Advitiya of Bringing prosperity and happiness to your living spaces.Add an element of spirituality to your home decor Showpiece Figurine. It could be a great gifting option for religious celebrations or festivals.MaterialCrafted from aluminium, this showpiece reflects the artistic brilliance and adds elegance to your home decor For an Attractive Look,this showpiece can be wall mounted. So to create an elegant and attractive look you can hang it in your living room or bedroom. It can also be an ideal addition to your pooja room.